Official Nintendo Wii Wheel


Product Features
  • Precision Control
  • Adjustable Steering Sensitivity
  • Requires a Wii Remote Controller (not included)
  • 0.63 Lb.

Customer Comment;

A nice themed holder to have for any racing fan...,
May 4, 2008
By Ramsis Lion "ramsislion" (Long Island, NY USA) -

With the release of Mario Kart Wii, this new Wii Remote holder is going to be a hot item, especially if you are planning on racing against others in said game on your Wii.

But lets face it, all it is, is a plastic holder that is shaped like a wheel that your remote snaps into. And thats all there is to this accessory. Its nothing more then a holder shaped like a wheel to house your remote to give you the feeling of using a steering wheel while you play a racing game. So realize that going into the purchase that its just that and nothing more.

At least though the price is right and reasonable for the most part. This is not must get though as all the games this will be for I'm sure will play just fine without it. But it will add a little extra something that the already gimic like remote provides for the Wii. This just takes that remote factor an extra step by giving the illusion and feel of a wireless steering wheel that you can hold anywhere and use to race on a screen far away.

The choice is really yours. If you want to have the feeling of playing a racing game on the Wii with a wheel in your hands, this will work quite well for that. If its not that big a deal to you and you are fine with either a classic controler or the wii remote and nunchuk, then this isn't that important a purchase to make. But I do think this adds something of a element to things that is worth the small one time investment it will be.

Again its just a personal choice. Its just a plastic mold, when push comes to shove. But I think its fun device either way that is a nice addition to the Wii family of accessories.