Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller


Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller
Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller (Japanese Version) - SilverOther

Product Description

The SIXAXIS controller, originally bundled with the PS3, has been upgraded into the DualShock 3. This combines the features of the motion-sensitive SIXAXIS controller with the force feedback functions of the PS2's DualShock 2 controller. The controller operates wirelessly via Bluetooth techonology, though they can also be wired with a USB-to-USB mini cable which is also used to charge the device. The DualShock 3 can sense movement on all three-dimensional axes, and has built-in analog control on the control sticks and buttons.

Product Features
  • DualShock 3 brings back the "rumble" feature for full gameplay immersion
  • Bluetooth Wireless connection to your system, plus USB-USB mini cable for play-and-charge option
  • L2 and R2 analog trigger buttons
  • The DualShock 3 is practically a required upgrade for any hardcore PlayStation 3 owner
  • Highly sensitive motion sensing system so as you move the controller the game moves with it